asset International Structures Ltd

Stand C10
Our purpose is to deliver sustainable infrastructure to our clients, by providing solutions built for the future and designed for life. We're helping to maximise safety through off-site modular construction and minimising embodied carbon within our products. Asset’s approach is to deliver concise, value-added innovative designs through its chosen business activities. Achieving sustainable growth and increasing international market share from the existing products portfolio including asset MultiPlate, asset StrenCor, asset BEBO, asset VSoL, asset BaFix and asset FRP. Our products help transport become safer and infrastructure become more sustainable by providing cost-effective solutions, off-site build and installation efficiency. Our mission is to inspire the face of sustainable infrastructure by creating value, supporting economic growth, considering the environmental impact and encouraging an ethos of designing for life whilst building for the future.



  • asset | STEEL
  • asset | CONCRETE
  • asset | FRP
  • asset | BaFix


asset MultiPlate
asset MultiPlate
asset MultiPlate® is a construction system based around corrugated, curved, galvanised steel sheets which are bolted together to form durable structures or part structures, that can be deployed in a variety of civil engineering applications.
asset StrenCor
asset StrenCor
asset StrenCor is the versatile deep corrugated structure for the road and rail sector, designed for a range of applications. The structure can be assembled adjacent to the job site, then moved into place using relatively light lifting equipment.
asset BaFix
asset BaFix
asset BaFix provides an innovative track ballast shoulder retention system for the rail industry. The key benefit of installing the system is retaining the loss of ballast over time whilst creating a long-term stable border for the ballast.
asset BEBO Concrete Arch
asset BEBO Concrete Arch
The asset BEBO® Concrete Arch is a standardised patented precast arch system for the design and construction of earth overfilled bridges, tunnels, culverts and green bridges.
asset BEBO Green Bridge
asset BEBO Green Bridge
asset BEBO® Green Bridges minimise embodied carbon through simple modular construction. The concrete arch structures have also been designed with surrounding wildlife and ecosystems in mind.
asset VSoL
asset VSoL
The asset VSoL Retained Earth Wall System is a cost-effective construction technique suitable for a variety of retaining wall applications. It is easy to install and can be used for a range of conditions.
asset FRP Rail Platform
asset FRP Rail Platform
The asset FRP Rail Platform's high specification is designed to perform under all weather conditions, and will not deteriorate during chemical de-icing and high levels of foot traffic at stations.
asset FRP Bridges, Decks & Sidewalks
asset FRP Bridges, Decks & Sidewalks
asset FRP Bridges and Bridge Decks are suitable for any access requirements, and are a perfect fit for areas with difficult access. asset FRP Cantilever Sidewalks allow extensions to existing road and rail bridges to create safe walking and cycling spaces.
asset FRP Bridge Beams
asset FRP Bridge Beams
asset FRP Bridge Beams provide strength and stability to bridge structures. Made from a lightweight, durable material, installation times are also reduced along with carbon emissions.


We Are asset International Structures Ltd
We Are asset International Structures Ltd
asset Product Range - Highways
asset Product Range - Highways
asset Product Range - Rail
asset Product Range - Rail
100 Years of Expertise
100 Years of Expertise
Customer Service at Asset International Structures Ltd
Customer Service at Asset International Structures Ltd
Sustainability Week 2023
Sustainability Week